
Regular Hours, Summer 2024

Summer Hours: May 13 - July 26, 2024: Monday - Thursday 8:00am - 4:30pm, 星期五 8:00am - 12:00pm

Choose to Be a Professional

What does it mean to present yourself professionally? Merriam-Webster defines professionalism as, “技能, 良好的判断力, and polite behavior that is expected from a person who is trained to do 一份工作 well.”

There are many ways to present yourself in professional manner, and it certainly makes a difference in how others perceive you, especially when looking for, 并保持, 一份工作. Here are just a few areas in which professionalism is important.

  1. 外观: From the interviewing process to on the job, you are expected to dress a certain way. Always adhere to the company policy when it comes to dress code. When in doubt, opt for being conservative and dressing business professional. Be sure clothing is clean and pressed and that your hair is neat and out of your face. Gum chewing and smoking is never appropriate in professional situations. Also, remember that a smile goes a long way.

  2. 在线状态: Be sure that you are using an appropriate email address. Rather than using, utilize an email address that is simple and contains your name, i.e. When using social media, be cautious of your content. Avoid posting inappropriate pictures or negative comments and when possible, enable your strictest privacy settings.

  3. 语言: “Text talk” should be avoided. Never use “LOL,” other similar abbreviations, or emoticons in email or other written correspondence. Swearing is also a huge red flag for employers. In a recent survey by CareerBuilder, 71% of employers believe swearing at work shows lack of control.

  4. Attitude and non-verbal communication: Actions can speak louder than words and you want to make sure you are perceived in a positive light.



319-296-4014 ext.1079
布雷默大厅 126D
电子邮件 丹尼尔·詹宁斯
Schedule an appointment with 丹尼尔·詹宁斯

Regular Hours — Summer 2024

May 13 – July 26, 2024
星期一至星期四 上午8时至下午4时30分
星期五 上午8时至下午12时

If campus is closed, 职业建议 is also closed. This includes weather related closings. See scheduled college closings.

Regular Hours — Fall 2024

July 29 – December 20, 2024
星期一至星期五 上午8时至下午4时30分