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靠谱买球app推荐 hoping to fill the shortage in 注册护理员s

posted on Tuesday, October 6, 2020 in  大学现在哪些app可以买球

锡达拉皮兹市, Iowa (KCRG) -靠谱买球app推荐 is looking to start the second year of their 注册护理员 apprenticeship, but the school needs people to sign up for it first. That is a challenge because of a shortage of CNA’s and healthcare workers in general. The college hopes the program will help recruit and retain workers.

Rosalinda Rodriguez is a full time CNA at 紫檀房地产s at friendship village. Whether it’s doing their hair or looking at family photos, Rodriguez is creating a bond with her clients. (带说

“We’ve become a family with the coworkers and residents,” she said. She’s grown closer to her clients during the pandemic when people are seeing their families. Helping others in various ways is why she got into healthcare and eventually wants to be a nurse.

“I just generally love helping people,” she said. “Like I can do any other thing but I think a nurse is something that we need.”


She is the first graduate of 靠谱买球app推荐’s new program to train CNA’s. It’s free for students who agree to work at one of two partner assisted living centers after graduating. It’s meant to help address a shortage of CNA’s. That’s partly because it’s a demanding job with low pay - averaging about 28-thousand a year.

“Because you are very close working with people,布伦达·赫尔穆斯说, 健康 and 继续教育 Coordinator. “Day in day out you making the connections, not only on a personal level but you’re taking care of them. You’re helping them shower, helping them get dressed.”

That’s one reason 靠谱买球app推荐 says it is struggling to fill its second class for the program. Leaders say the job is also very rewarding. They are advertising it as a stepping stone to becoming a nurse.

Rodriguez hopes people give it a shot. “They are needed and we really appreciate them,” she said. “And they will appreciate healthcare”

More information on the apprenticeship can be 达到这里.



  1. 学徒
  2. 商业及社区教育
  3. 注册护理员 (CNA)
  4. 友谊村庄
  5. 紫檀房地产