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Mayors' 奖 Presented to ELL Volunteer and 学生

posted on Thursday, April 24, 2014 in  大学现在哪些app可以买球

By: 滑铁卢-雪松瀑布快递员

Residents Receive Mayors' Volunteer 奖

WATERLOO—The 36th annual Mayors’ Volunteer 奖 were presented by the Volunteer Center of 雪松谷 on Tuesday at the Five Sullivan Brothers Center.

奖励计划, which recognizes outstanding volunteers in the 雪松谷, included a luncheon with 115 attendees. Award categories included the Volunteer Award, which recognizes the accomplishments of outstanding volunteers regardless of age or years of service; the Outstanding Emerging Volunteer Award, open to those age 19-35; and the 生活time Achievement Award, for any nominee with 20-plus years of volunteerism in the 雪松谷.

Twenty-six nominees received certificates from Mayor Jon Crews of Cedar Falls, Mayor Buck Clark of 滑铁卢 and Mayor John Faas of Evansdale.


Murphy has been an active volunteer with 靠谱买球app推荐’s 英语语言学习 (ELL) program for eight years. The students in these classes are adult immigrants and refugees from around the world, often with little to no formal 教育.

Murphy has volunteered with instructing both intermediate and pre-literacy ELL courses, not to mention working one-on-one with several students. She participates in 专业发展 alongside Hawkeye staff members to continuously improve her English teaching skills.

Although she is qualified to be a paid ELL instructor, she prefers to volunteer so she can interact more closely with students.


Doland is able to volunteer while doing something he loves: baseball. In the summer at Deerwood Park in Evansdale, he is often found coaching either baseball or softball teams. He's also an umpire for baseball games.

Doland, 19, is attending Hawkeye's 刑事司法 program.

Read more on all the award winners.


  1. 滑铁卢雪松瀑布快递员